Monday, September 28, 2009

Watch List for the Week of 9/28/09 - Last Week's Recap

Stock to watch for the week of 9/28/09:


Recap for the week of 9/21/09:

on 9/21----------------on 9/25

DOX 26.65---------------26.40 (down 1%) Still like it.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

AONE is Priced

Expected to be priced at 10.50-11.00, A123 Systems (AONE) went public today with a pre-trading value of 13.50... it never traded that low. The lowest price the stock saw was 16.56 and has not looked back in about one hour of trading, soaring up to 19.70 with incredible momentum.
Those who got in before trading begun have made a sizable gain. Not bad for a company that has yet to show a profit in eight years.
I am not inclined to chase a mad crowd, but then I also chose not to buy Google (GOOG) when it was issued in the $80's.
Oh well!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

An IPO to Watch, A123 (AONE)

Today we await the pricing of an initial public offering: A123 Systems (AONE).
The expected price range is between 10.50 and 11.00.

A123 (AONE) designs, develops, manufactures and sells advanced, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and battery systems.

Financial backers for this company include: the U.S. Government, General Electric (GE), Motorola (MOT), Qualcom (QCOM), and AES (AES).

Chances are, this will be the hottest IPO for '09.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Watch List for the Week of 9/21/09 - Last Week's Recap

Stock to watch for the week of 9/21/09:


Recap for the week of 9/14/09:

on 9/15----------------on 9/18

AOB 5.44---------------5.43 (down .18%)
ATW 32.10-------------33.27 (up 3.64%) continued a fine run
DOX 25.88--------------26.65 (up 2.98%) solid

Looking for a dull trading week.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Drop TKC, Time to Move on

Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS (TKC) was featured in this blog on 7/18/08 (at 15.85)and again on 8/4/09 (at 16.60); since then,the stock has hovered around these prices and is now showing what could be a "head and shoulders" chart pattern. I am inclined to say that, in the near future, the stock is headed down.

For the period of time we held TKC, we collected an anualized dividend of about 4.7%,
and see a profit of 4.79%. Selling today at 16.61, it may be time to move out of this position.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Watch List for the Week of 9/14/09 - Last Week's Recap

Stocks to watch for the week of 9/14/09:
Let's hold off until Tuesday or Wednesday to price them. Expecting a significant drop early Monday as the market opens.

Okay, let's give it a try, as of 9/15/09 the picks are:


Recap for the week of 9/8/09:

on 9/8----------------on 9/11

ATW 28.32-------------32.35 (up 14.23%) nice run
COV 39.60-------------41.87 (up 5.73%) no too shabby
DOX 24.91-------------26.11 (up 4.82%) another good one

Great four day week.

Dumped SLXP a Bit Too Soon

Impatience took the best of me. On August 18 '09 I chose to let go of Salix Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (SLXP) at 12.93 after a very dull and fruitless 20 months.
Sold SLPX one month too soon. Today after good news on clinical trials the stock shot up 6.77 (+50.6%) to 20.15, an incredible run... Bummers!

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Something Worth Reading

Once in a while, we come across an article or commentary that, in the midst of a lot of gibberish makes some kind of sense and hopefully allows us to step back and make our own financial decisions, often better than the ones we get from the so-called experts.
This article from "The Motley Fool" is right on target:

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Watch List for the Week of 9/8/09 - Last Week's Recap

Stocks to watch for the week of 9/8/09:

ATW 28.32
COV 39.60
DOX 24.91

Recap for the week of 8/31/09:

on 9/1-------------on 9/4

EZPW 13.37---------12.63 (down 5.53%)
KBR 22.65-----------21.81 (down 3.71%)
PFE 16.70-----------16.39 (down 1.86%)
SEPR 18.15----------22.82 (up 25.73%) Luckyyyyy!!!

One pick (SEPR) saved our week.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Watch List for the Week of 8/31/09 - Last Week's Recap

Stocks to watch for the week of 8/31/09:
(Expecting a decline on Monday and then we will check these stocks and price them on Tuesday or Wednesday)
Okay, as of 9/1/09, let's keep an eye on:

EZPW 13.37
KBR 22.65
PFE 16.70
SEPR 18.15

Recap for the week of 8/24/09:

on 8/24-------------on 8/28

ATW 29.78 --------28.67(down 3.73%)
SEPR 18.35 -------18.59(up 1.31%)
SUG 20.85 --------20.06(down 3.79%)

That was not a good week.