Monday, May 31, 2010

Stocks to Watch - June '10

Watch list for June '10


This month we have a financial and a technology company. We'll be checking the performance of these picks by the end of June.

Results for "Stocks to Watch - May '10"

For the month of May, this was our watch list and outcome:

Stock Symbol-------5/1/10---------------5/31/10

AYR-----------------12.01-----------------9.85 (down 17.99%)
NOC-----------------67.83----------------60.49 (down 10.82%)

Results were not memorable, our average loss for this month was 14.40% compared to the S&P 500 which declined about 9.18% in May, not a good show for those of us who remained long in the market.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Stocks to Watch - May '10

Watch list for May '10


This month we have an aircraft leasing and an aerospace/defense company. We'll be checking the performance of these picks by the end of May.

Results for "Stocks to Watch - April '10"

For the month of April, this was our watch list and outcome:

Stock Symbol-------4/1/10---------------4/30/10

AAN----------------22.53----------------22.57 (up .16%)
AIZ-----------------34.89----------------36.43 (up 4.41%)
RCII----------------23.87----------------25.82 (up 8.17%)

Our average gain for this month was 4.25% compared to the S&P 500 which saw a 1.48% increase in April.