During the last three years SUG was mentioned on many occasions in this blog as a buy candidate.
Commented on 5/23/08 at 26.42.
Liked it even better on 1/29/09 to lower the average cost and buy it at 13.30.
Added to choice stocks on 7/25/09 at 19.80.
Featured on the watch list on 8/19/09 at 19.04.
Again included in the watch list on 8/22/09 at 20.85.
We have had several opportunities to load up on SUG. For those who took advantage of these observations, kudos to you!
Today, Energy Transfer Equity announced that it is buying Southern Union Co. (SUG) for 33.00 per share... JACKPOT!!!
Trading at this time for 33.15 on the news, I am glad to cash in on a long awaited result.
This transaction represents a 25.5% return from the original comment price, not including an average yield of about 2.5%.
Had those of you who followed this security bought into weakness, you may have realized a total profit of nearly 75% over the past three years while the S&P 500 experienced an 8% loss, nothing to sneeze at.